Press Release
Published 11/2017
Nicaragua Joins the NOJA Power Family
First OSM Recloser System with full SCADA communications integrated into the Nicaragua Distribution Grid
Australian Switchgear Manufacturer NOJA Power today celebrates the first installation of a NOJA Power OSM Recloser into the Central American nation of Nicaragua. The OSM15 Recloser has been commissioned as a trial process by local Distribution and Network Service Providers (DNSPs) DISNORTE-DISSUR. No stranger to evaluation processes, NOJA Power was quick to respond to the deployment with service personnel on the ground. The installation was supported by local training conducted by NOJA Power representatives, eagerly attended by delegates from the local utility.
SCADA integration of the OSM Recloser System was a simple procedure, utilizing the local distribution network service providers’ SCADA system via their IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol standard through their local GPRS modem system. The OSM Recloser system’s integrated communications protocols apply to the open standards, ensuring the OSM can be easily integrated into any existing SCADA system.
The OSM Reclosers’ policy of integration extends to sensors, switchgear, controller and SCADA Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). With Type Testing being performed on ALL integrated components (which includes sensors) the customer can trust that the performance matches the Type Tested values.

By type testing the completed product, utilities can expect to see far lower testing costs as the supplied product has already been comprehensively tested before dispatch.
Most utilities worldwide are familiar with the benefits of deploying reclosers, driven primarily by increased revenue due to increased reliability after installation of the units. Modern trials of NOJA Power reclosers usually focus on advanced automation functionality, which further improves reliability figures through using multiple reclosers on feeders. The Nicaragua example demonstrates the simplicity of SCADA integration, but also provides a platform for utility experimentation in Smart Grid deployment. Utilities seeking to deploy Smart Grids on their network to achieve better reliability are well taken care of by the integrated approach of the OSM Recloser, as the unit covers all functionality required and is forgiving as utilities learn and educate their organizations on the operation of such grid systems.
NOJA Power is dedicated to the field development of distribution professionals, and the Nicaragua installation example was no exception. In support of the first trial, NOJA Power, , conducted a comprehensive training program with the local utilities in the Central American Region. Delivering training is standard practice for the switchgear manufacturer, supporting utilities with any change management required in upgrading to the NOJA Power OSM Recloser System.

“It is great to see so many people attend the training session provided by NOJA Power in Central America by one of our Spanish speaking engineers,” says NOJA Power Group Managing Director Neil O’Sullivan. “This is typical of NOJA Power commitment to make sure our customers are well trained to get the most from our products.”
The NOJA Power OSM Recloser System is being deployed in almost 90 countries worldwide today. The integrated approach of the device, including all sensors and functionality as standard, provides a myriad of solutions to distribution challenges around the world. If you have a distribution challenge to solve or wish to explore the benefits of deploying your own smart grid, please contact your local distributor.
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