Press Release
Published 05/2016
NOJA Power Recloser App upgraded to harmonise with latest OSM series ACR firmware and enhance user experience

Electrical switchgear engineers NOJA Power today announces significant enhancements to its Automatic Circuit Recloser (“auto recloser” or ACR) software application (‘app’). The app allows Linesmen to use Apple or Android smartphones and tablet computers to check the status of ACRs and make changes to their operation without having to climb up to the ACR’s pole-mounted RC control and communication cubicle.
The new version (1.14) of the NOJA Power Recloser App includes enhancements to harmonize with Relay 1.14, the latest release of the company’s firmware for OSM series ACRs. The main enhancement is a control interface for operating and checking the status of the OSM Single Triple ACR, a recent product introduction comprising three OSM38 single phase ACRs mounted on a single bracket.

The app has been comprehensively revised using a common platform for both Apple iOS and Android versions. The revision includes enhancement of the Wi-Fi connectivity between the mobile device and both the RC-10 and just-released RC-15 cubicle. For example, when the app is moved to the background on the mobile device, the connection is released such that another mobile device can wirelessly link to the RC cubicle. In addition, the user interface has been improved to more clearly indicate when the RC cubicle is linked to another mobile device. This saves the Linesman attempting to use a busy connection.

Other user interface enhancements include more intuitive set-up of additional ACRs within the app, addition of a ‘swipe’ function to switch between tabs, a new “Back” button on the Android interface (making the return to the previous screen easier for users preferring this option to swiping) and a change from list to table format on the “Measurement” tab making the information easier to read.
Like the previous version, the app is able to configure and retain the fixed IP address and port number for each ACR, which is then stored in a device list that identifies each unit with a name or code. The Linesman can then select, configure, control and interrogate any ACR from the list providing he has password-protected access to the Internet via fixed line, cellular, WiMax or Wi-Fi connection.

The app allows the Linesman to read three phase-current and -voltage, frequency, power, power factor, power flow direction and energy measurements. In addition, the app also allows the technician to control ACR functionality such as Trip/Close, Local/Remote, Active Protection Group, Protection On/Off, Auto Reclose On/Off, Live Line On/Off and Earth Fault On/Off among others. When working with a OSM Single Triple ACR, the Linesman can use the app to trip or close each of the phases of a three-phase system via the unit’s individual ACRs.
“The NOJA Power Recloser App is just one example where IP-based connectivity is used to enhance communications across multiple auto reclosers,” explains Neil O’Sullivan, Managing Director of NOJA Power. “Such connectivity is a small part of NOJA Power’s vision of a future where all of our utility customers ultimately implement IP-based secure private networks to carry the communications demanded by distribution grids. Such networks are needed to support secure interconnection, and full integration across a utility’s multiple platforms of the Intelligent Electronic Devices making up future smart grids.”

The NOJA Power Recloser App is available for free from Apple or Android app libraries via a new download or update to the previous version. It is compatible with iOS 6.1 and later, or Android 2.3 and later. (Previous versions of the app are not compatible with Relay 1.14.) NOJA Power has published a brochure on the app which includes details of the configuration of both RC-10 and RC-15 cubicles. The brochure is available from
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